Startseite Jelitto - Index Lernen 

Abbreviations in the field of learning with multimedia
Abkürzungen im Bereich "multimediales Lernen"

(multilingual; german *)

Last update: 19. June 2007 by Marc Jelitto


Extended version of: (offline)


0-9 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M -N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

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24/7 24 Stunden an 7 Tagen der Woche (Ständige Verfügbarkeit) *

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ABLE Apprenticeship-Based Learning Environment

AC Assessment Center (Blended Assessment, Online Assessment)

ACIL Audio-visuelles, Computerunterstütztes, Interaktives Lernen *

ADL Advanced Distributed Learning, Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative (organisation)

AICC Aviation Industry ComputerBasedTraining Committee (organisation)

ALCU Algorithmierung von Lehrprogrammen für Computergesteuerten Unterricht *

ALE Adaptive Learning Environment

ALIC Advanced Learning Infrastructure Consortium

ALN Asynchronous Learning Network

ALT Advanced Learning Technology

API Application Programming Interface

ARIADNE Alliance of Remote Instructinal Authoring and Distribution Network for Europe (organisation)

AS Accounting System

ASP Application Service Providing

AU Assignable Unit

AVICOL Audio-Visuelles, computerorientiertes Lernen *

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BBS Bulletin Board System ("schwarze Bretter")

Blog Weblog

BTV Business TV (Television)

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C-Learning Classroom Learning

C3MS Community-Content-Collaborative-Management-System, Community-Content-Collaboration Management System

C&IT Communications and Information Technology

CAA Computer-Aided Assessment, Computer-Assisted Assessment

CAE Computer Aided Education

CAX Computer Assisted Anything

CAI Computer Assisted Instruction, Computer-Assisted Instruction, Computer Aided Instruction

CAL Computer Assisted Learning, Computer Aided Learning, Computer-Assisted Learning

CALL Computer Assisted Language Learning

CALM Computer Assisted Learning in Mathematics

CAM Content Aggregation Model

CAMOL Computer Assisted Management of Learning

CANCORE Canadian Network for Advanced Research for Industry and Education

CAT Computer Adaptive Testing (selten/seldom)

CAT Computer Assisted Teaching, Computer Aided Teaching

CAVIS Computer Assisted Video Instruction System

CBE Computer Based Education

CBI Computer Based Instruction

CBIS Computer Based Information Systems

CBL Computer Based Learning, Computer-Based Learning

CBL Computer-Basiertes Lernen, Computerbasiertes Lernen *

CBLA Computer Based Learning & Assessment

CBLE Computer-Based Learning Environment

CBS Computer Based Learning, Computer-Based Learning

CBT Computer Based Testing (selten/seldom)

CBT Computer Based Training, Computer-Based Training

CC Computer Conferencing

CC CampusContent (german project)

CCAL Cooperative Computer Assisted Learning

CCT Content Creation Tools

CEI Computer Enriched Instruction, Computer-Enhanced Instruction

CETIS Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards (organisation)

CGA Computergestützte Ausbildung *

CGU Computer Gestützter Unterricht *

CGIU Computer Gestützter Intelligenter Unterricht *

CITs Communication and Information Technologies

CLE Collaboration and Learning Environment, Client Learning Environment

CLO Contextual Learning Object

CLOE Co-operative Learning Object Exchange

CMC Computer Mediated Communication, Computer-Mediated Communication

CMC Computermediierte Kommunikation *

CMDE Computer-Mediated Distance Education

CMDE Computervermittelte Fernlehre *

CMI Computer Managed Instruction, Computer-Managed Instruction

CML Computer Managed Learning

CMS Content Management System

CMT Computer Managed Training, Computer Managed Teaching

CO Content Object

CoD Content on Demand

COTS Common off-the-shelf Software

CP Content Packaging, Content Package

CPU Computer programmierter Unterricht (?) *

CRM Customer Relationship Management

CoCoS Courseware Construction System

CoD Content on Demand

CoP Community of Practise

CSE Computer Simulated Experiments

CSCL Computer Supported Colloborative Learning

CSCL Computer Supported Cooperative Learning, Computer-Supported Cooperative Learning

CSCW Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Computer Supported Collaborative Working

CSL Computer Supported Learning

CUI Computerunterstützte Inhaltsanalyse *

CUI Computerunterstützte Instruktion *

CUL Computer Unterstütztes Lernen, Computerunterstütztes Lernen *

CUS Computer-unterstützte Simulation *

CUU Computer Unterstützter Unterrricht, Computerunterstützter Unterrricht *

CvK, CVK Computer-vermittelte Kommunikation *

CWIS Campus Wide Information System

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D-CMS diskursorientiertes CMS (Content Management System) *

D-Learning Distance Learning

DAA Digital Assets Agreement

DAMS Digital Asset Management System

DCD Distributed Course Delivery

DCMI Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (organisation)

DE Distance Education

DL Digital Library

DL Distance Learning

DLE Distance Learning Environment

DLORN Distributed Learning Object Repository Network (project)

DMLE Distributed Multimedia Learning Environments

DRM Digital Rights Management

DSE Design Support Environment

DTD Document Type Definition

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E-Education Electronic Education

E-Lernen Elektronisches Lernen (e-lernen, elernen, eLernen, E-lernen bzw. E-Lernen) *

E-Learning Electronic Learning (eLearning, elearning, "e"Learning, E-Learning, e-Learning, e-learning)

E-X Electronic Anything (e-assessment, e-Coaching, E-Collaboration, e-content, E-Instruction, e-learner, e-Kompetenzen, E-Lecturing, E-Mail, eMedien, e-Mentoring, E-Teaching, E-Tutoring; eCollaboration, eTrainer, eUniversity, eWork)

E2-Business Educational-E-Business (E-Business = Electronic-Business)

EAO Education Assisté par l`Ordinateur

ECL eduSource Communication Language

EE Environmental Education

EI Educational Intervention

eLCs eLearning Credits

eLearning -> E-Learning

eLE eLearning Environments

ELT Educational Learning Theory

EML Educational Modelling Language

EPSS Electronic Performance Support System

ERP Enterprise Resource Planning

ES-Learning Electronically Supported Learning

EWS Educational WWW Servers

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F2F Face-to-Face

F2I Face-to-Interface

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

FE Further Education

FFC Face-to-Face Communication

FTF, ftf Face-to-Face

FCGU Film- und computergestützter Gruppenunterricht *

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GBS Goal-Based Scenario

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H-Media Hypermedia

HE Higher Education

HL Hyperlearning

HRIS Human Resource Informations System

HT Hypertext

HTML HyperText Markup Language

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I-Lernen Internetbasiertes Lernen *

IAL Internet Assisted Learning

IB Informationstechnische Bildung *

IBL Internet Based Learning

IBT Internet Based Training / Intranet Based Training

ICAI Intelligent Computer Assisted Instruction

ICAL Intelligent Computer Assisted Learning

ICBT Interactive Computer Based Testing

ICLS Intelligent Collaborative Learning System

ICT Information and Communication Technology

ICT (-s) Information and Communications Technology (-ies)

ICUU Intelligenter Computer Unterstützter Unterricht *

ICT Interactive Communicatons Technology

ID Instructional Design, Instructional Designer

IEL Integrated E-Learning

IDLE Integrated Distributed Learning Environment

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (organisation)

IEEE LTSC Learning Technology Standards of the IEEE

IES Intelligent Educational System

IGB Informationstechnische Grundbildung *

IGL Instrumentiertes GruppenLernen *

IKT Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien *

ILE Integrated Learning Environment, Intelligent Learning Environment, Interactive Learning Environment, Internet Learning Environment.

ILO Interactive Learning Object

ILS Integrated Learning System, (Integrated Learning Management System)

ILT Information Learning Technologies, Information and Learning Technologies

ILT Instructor-Led Training

ILU Internetlernumgebung *

IMI Interaktive Multimedia-Instruktion *

IMI Integrierte Mikroinformation *

IML Integriertes Mikrolernen *

IMM Interactive Multimedia (Interactive Multi-Media)

IMS Instructional Management System, Instructional Management Systems Project (organisation)

IMS LD IMS Learning Design

IMT Interaktive Multimedia Technologien *

Internet International Network

IPU Individualisierter Programmierter Unterricht *

IRC Internet Relay Chat

IRC Internet Resource Catalogue

IS Informationssystem *

ISD Instructional Systems Design; Instructional Systems Designer, Instructional System Designer

ISLE Intelligent Simulation Learning Environment,
Intensely Supportive Learning Environment

IT Information Technology

IT Informationstechnik* / -technologie *

IT training Information Technology Training

ITB Informationstechnologische Bildung *

ITFS Instructional Television Fixed Service

ITG InformationsTechnische Grundbildung *

ITS Intelligente Tutorielle Systeme *

ITS Intelligent Tutoring Systems

ITS Interactive Training Systems

ITV Interactive Television

ITV Interactive Video

IV Interaktives Video *

IuK Infomations- und Kommunikationstechnik * / -technologien *

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K-12 (K12) Kindergarten through 12th grade (US school system)

KM Knowledge Management

KMS Knowledge Management System

KO Knowledge Object

KPS Knowledge Pool System

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L2 Language Learning

LBD Learning By Design

LBT Learning By Teaching

LCD Learner-Centered Design, Learner Centered Design

LCMS Learning Content Management System (auch L(C)MS)

LCR Learning Cost Ratio

LCS Learning Companion System

LD Learning Design

LDS Learning Development System

LE Learning Environment

LE Lerneinheit *

LLL Life Long Learning, Life-Long Learning, Lebenslanges Lernen

LLT Leader-Led Training

LMS Learning Management System

LMS Lernmanagement-System *

LO Learning Object

LOM Learning Object Metadata

LOR Learning Object Repository

LP Lernprogramm *

LR Learning Role

LRE Learning Resource Exchange

LSP Learning Service Provider

LTS Learning Technologie System

LTSA Learning Technology Systems Architecture

LTSC Learning Technology Standards Committee (organisation)

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M-Education Mobile Education

M-Learning Mobile Learning (m-learning, mLearning, M-learning)

MathML Mathematical Markup Language

MBT Multimedia-Based Training

MCQ Multiple Choice Question

MIeL Multimodal Interfaces for e-Learning

MLE Managed Learning Environment, Multimedia Learning Environment (seldom)

MLO Mutated Learning Object

MMLLS Multimediales Lehr- und Lernsystem

MOO Multi Object Orientation

MR Metadata Repository

MUD Multi-User-Dungeon, Multi User Domain

MUSH Multi User Shared Hallucination

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NBT Network Based Training

NIDR Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval

NIT Neue Informations (- und Kommunikations-) technologien *

NM-Lehre Neue Medien Lehre *

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OCL Open Content Licencing

ODL Open (and) Distance Learning, Open&Distance Learning

OER Open Educational Resources

OHP Overhead Projector

OIA Open Archives Initiative

OLL On-Line Learning

OLS Open Learning Support

OOP Object-Oriented Programming

OSS Open Source Software

OWL Online Writing Labs

OWL Web Ontology Language

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PAPI Public and Privat Information

PBL Problem-Based Learning

PI Programmierte Instruktion *

PIF Package Interchange File

PLE Personal Learning Environments

POL Problemorientiertes Lernen *

PROMETEUS Promoting Multimedia in Education and Training in European Society

PU Programmierte Unterweisung, Programmierter Unterricht *

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QML Questions Markup Language

QTI Question and Test Interoperability

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RDF Resource Description Framework

ReDS Rapid e-Learning Development System

ReL Rapid e-Learning

RGU Rechnergestützter Unterricht *

RIO Reusable Information Object

RLA Reusable Learning Asset

RLO Reusable Learning Object

RLOT Reusable Learning Object Template

RPL Recognition of Prior Learning

RTE Run-Time Environment

RTM Remote Tutoring and Monitoring

RTS Run-Time System

RUL Rechner Unterstütztes Lernen *

RUU Rechner Unterstützter Unterricht *

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SAV Student's Achievement Vektor

SBE Scenario-Based Exercise

SBL Simulation based learning

SCA Sharable Content Asset

SCO Sharable Content Object

SCORM Shareable Courseware Reference Model, Shareable Content Object Reference Model

SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language

SME Subject Matter Expert

SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language

SMS Student Management System

SSW Social Software

SVG Scalable Vector Graphics

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TAT Technology Aided Training

TBT Technology-Based Training, Technology Based Training

TBT Technologie Basiertes Training *

TMS Training Management System

TLE Telematic Learning Environment

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U-Learn Ubiquitous Learning

U-Learning Ubiquitous Learning

UL Ubiquitous Learning

UL Ubiquitäres Lernen *

UoS Unit of Study

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VC Virtual Classroom

VEE Virtual Education Environment

VLE Virtual Learning Environment

VR Virtual Reality

VR Virtuelle Realität *

VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language

VU Virtual University

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W3C World Wide Web Consortium (organisation)

WBI Web Based Instruction, Web-Based Instruction

WBI Web-basierte Instruktion *

WBL Web-Based Learning

WBLE Web-Based Learning Environments

WBT Web Based Teaching

WBT Web-Based Training, Web Based Training, Web-Based-Training = Netzbasiertes Training*

Webinar Web + Seminar *

WebLE Web-Based Learning Environment

WIR Web Instructional Repository

WID Wireless Informations Devices

WSCW Web Supported Cooperative Work

WWW World Wide Web

WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get

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XML Extensible Markup Language

XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language

* Diese Liste entstand über mehrere Jahre durch Auswertung diverser Literatur- und Internetquellen. *

* This list is the result of on- and offline text research of several years. *

© 1999-2007 marc jelitto,